Evolution of a shot
I recently completed a shoot for a bank that was opening a new branch in a California location. It was to be a lifestyle image to appeal to customers looking for a personal banking service to compliment their busy and affluent lifestyles. The image on the right is the final one as it appears in one of the print advertisements. I was happy to be able to deliver a image that was relaxed and easy made all the more achievable with great clients and models on the day. This was just one of 3 locations we covered on the day. I had brought 5 models along to the shoot and an assistant and on this day the weather was also cooperating with our needs. The sunlight was very strong by the time we got this shot and I was using a large diffuser with fill flash to retain all the details in the shadows and also the highlights of the white clothing. The dog wasn't originally part of the concept, but while we were on location one of the clients spotted it and asked if I'd be willing to...