
Showing posts from March, 2011

The rain has gone

At least for the next few days anyway. I've kept busy with studio work and even an outdoor in the rain shoot. Even though my camera got a little wet, happily the weather seals did exactly what they're supposed to do. I also spent more time with my always there studio assistant - Flat Eric . Star of a European Levi's ad campaign a few years ago. It was also good timing in respect of a large job that I just completed that involved shooting over a hundred products and doing some Photoshop work to accomplish exactly what was needed by my client.  I was also busy with some pure retouching jobs including retouching images for quite a renowned photographer based in the US. So you can see that even if the weather had been amazing, I would probably have not been able to get out and enjoy it. Things get busy again from the middle of this week but I'll still be able to get out and about and also get some Street Photography done and maybe get some editorial shots that can be sol...

I want my baby back!

Shutter speed: 1/2000 at f/2.8. ISO 200, 35mm - Lens is Tamron SP AF 17-50mm F/2.8 SP XR Di II VC The image above is not my baby, but it is a picture that was captured with my baby. Yes, it's a lens and I'm starting to really miss it now. I normally love walking about the city with a fast wide zoom and this Tamron is a real joy to use. I was doing a shoot in January when I dropped the lens from chest height onto a wooden floor. I picked it up and it looked ok except the zoom action was now a little stiff. Also at wider apertures it was obviously only focusing properly on one side. Autofocus went from intermittent to non-existent and the Vibration Control had definitely left town! Still, by putting the lens and camera into fully manual mode it was still possible to take really sharp clear pictures providing the available conditions would allow shots to be composed at the optimum f stop and shutter speed for the occasion. I was able to prove this to myself by having som...

Stock Library Hero

I noticed that one of my images is one of eight that rotate on the current homepage of Photokore based in Asia. The Asian market appears quite large so I'm hoping to do well with this library too.