This was the last thing I saw

That morning there had been "Wave Warnings" in the weather reports along the coastline in Northern California with specific warnings not to turn your back on the ocean. Still we decided to go for a beach walk at Point Reyes since we had no intention of swimming in the Pacific at this time of the year! The light was amazing and the beach was beautiful and we spent a relaxing few hours enjoying almost deserted, expansive beaches while enjoying the spectacle of waves crashing at a safe distance from us. On the way home, we drove down to the South Beach where the waves where even larger and more spectacular. I found a position where the waves seemed to be performing on cue and looked around to make sure there was good distance between me and the water's edge. It was an elevated spot on a dune formed right on the beach, and when crouched low I could get dramatic views of the waves without going to the water's edge. I crouched and had just taken the firs...