The Spice of Life.

Many people have been encouraging me to write about what I do and finally here I am, writing. Well, typing really, but you know what I mean. I do subscribe to the view that "variety is the spice of life" or at least one of them. So even though I introduce myself as a photographer, the next question might be, what type of photography do I do? Most of it involves a lens and some source of light! But let me give you a respectful answer and you'll see variety is very much embraced in the photography I do;
Portraits, Product, Packs, Stock,  Flat art copying, Events (Dinners, Engagements, Weddings etc), Real Estate, Insurance, Headshots, Families (babies and children too), Street, Sets, I'm also very comfortable with complex retouching and image manipulation, and the list goes on.
With all of this going on, a camera has become a significant part of an outfit when I go out.
One of the things I like about this range of subjects is that, at least for me, it has helped me to think of my photography a little like the way a linguist may function. Each genre is like it's own language with its individual aesthetic and technical requirement. Some people are happy with just mother tongue. Me? I've opted for "the spice of life" — variety.
It's nice to be able to move comfortably in and out of conversations no matter what language is being used and that is how I view my choice to shoot in many styles and for many applications.
By the way, none of what I write here is "the" approach, it's just one approach that works really well for me and the way I like to experience life. And another thing. I whole-heartedly believe that life is for living, otherwise, wouldn't it be called something else?
So 12 months ago, I renamed my business activity "Roijoy Photography" and today I'm starting this blog in an effort to share some of that joy.
From tomorrow, I will begin writing with a specific topic in mind each time. I'm not here to tell you how you must do something, but am more than happy to share my experiences and techniques with you. I approach photography as a creative medium which means there is always room for subjectivity.
I love looking at photography and am in awe of most of the work I see around me. So if you are on Flickr or other such site, I'm probably in awe of you!


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