This year spring seems to have clearly brought the business community out of hibernation. The weather is also attempting to live up to it's reputation too. I went for a walk in Golden gate park last weekend and the weather was beautiful. It was also Sunday Streets in the area all the way down to the Ocean so there was an even more pronounced sense of celebrating long, lazy, sunny, weekends. So after some friends of ours drove up from south of the peninsula, we set off for an afternoon walk with their dog Moo excitedly tagging along. It was also fun to run into Rollergirl and a friend of hers as they went about their Sunday cycle ride. More about Rollergirl another time or you can contact me to find out who she is :) I've done some more studio and model shoots for various things and this is Eve who I recently worked with. I've also completed all the processing from the Rico shoot I mentioned in my last posting and here is another of the shots I took of him. ...