Pride and Roijoy

Dykes on Bikes traditionally leading the parade
The San Francisco annual Pride Parade took place in June and I made my way to line Market Street in good time to get a front row position to the parade. I managed to get quite a few shots which have been taken up by image libraries for their editorial content.

Unfortunately the great shots that I could see coming together in the street often got ruined by the very zealous and enthusiastic security guy who kept stepping out into the center of my camera frame so that he could either, cheer, collect freebies, or see what was going on in the distance. Moving would have meant losing my front row advantage and I suppose he wanted to have fun too while he was doing his job.

Anyway, I did manage to get enough usable shots and was able to get them accepted into the image libraries. While on the subject of stock imagery, here are the first and last images I had sold for the month of June.
As well as regular family shoots and portrait sessions, I was also busy with headshots for all types of people. It's great to meet all these people and hear about the amazing and diverse lives, inventions, or occupations they experience. 

 It's quite inspiring and refreshing to hear how diverse the world is from talking to just 10 or so individuals who have no obvious connections with each other. 

Some people come from out of the city and for others I do the traveling. I also really enjoy seeing people become relaxed in front of my lens and remark how enjoyable they have found the experience of being the subject of one of my shoots.

I've also completed a range of product shots this month including these shirts for Bleuflamme Clothing.

June also resulted in the making of 5 more videos too, some of which I'm still busy editing. Which is what I'm getting back to right now...


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