What A Whirlwind Month That Was,

February was very busy. For clients, I photographed 139 individuals, 17 pieces of jewelry, eight pieces of art, and retouched 8 images. I also designed a double page print ad and designed the template for a product brochure.

I uploaded another 25 images to various image libraries and I sold 81 stock photos.
And all the processing too!

And then yesterday, as some of you already know, my main computer died and I replaced it with an Apple MacBook Pro which I'm using right now.

I have some bookings secured for the first 2 weeks of March and once again am hoping to find the time to do more stock work as well as work on some personal projects I have going. In coming postings I will be looking at some of the individual jobs I've completed.

And since February is truly history now, here are my first and last stock image sales of that month.


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