When you've just a little time and so much to do,

Shy Sayar at Yoga One in Petaluma, CA.
April was another really busy month I'm happy to report. It seems to have just whizzed by leaving a blur of memories but a mountain of photographic proof that it did happen. Included in the assignments I completed in April was a great day at the opening of Yoga One in Petaluma. Here I captured Classical Yoga, Pilates, Belly Dancing, Salsa, Capoeira, and Reflexology!

The work I've been doing with the sororities and fraternities continued and I shot around 500 individuals. The only real downer was that an individual in one of the frat houses I was working at, demonstrated his questionable sense of decency by disposing of his chewing gum and attaching it to the underside of the seat of my posing stool. It was easy to notice as I cleared my gear away because my fingers stuck to the still soft nastiness as I lifted the stool out of my car!

As well as adults I had some younger clients too and did a really fun photo set with this great little girl.
A large product photography assignment also began in April and is moving along nicely. On the stock photography side of things, here are my first and last image sales of April.


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