Life Can Be Surreal

My last post was in January 2016 and things have become quite surreal since then.

My photography business is now based in Belize and there is someone named Donald Trump installed as the President of the United States of America. My own country is heading rapidly out of the EU, while drones and driverless cars have become ubiquitous. And we now have not just one dog but two — Jazz and Pepper.

When I set up a photography business in San Francisco in 2009, I knew I would shoot campaign photography, products, portraits, and other things - except for weddings and nature/ landscape photography. However I met a lot of people in San Francisco who wanted intimate small weddings which were more like portrait sessions and soon found myself shooting weddings about once a month.

And now after just over 2 years of being based in Belize, looking through my pictures I see how enchanted I have become by the amazing colours, weather, and the light of the caribbean. Our property is on the beach facing east so I also have a huge collection of all colours and types of sunrises looking out to sea and a large amount of landscape and nature photography. The sights of this mostly undeveloped country are so visually appealing it's almost a crime to go out anywhere without a camera!
So here in Belize I'm shooting campaigns, product, lifestyle, and travel type photography, and am preparing to shoot my 5th beach wedding style shoot in February. I still submit stock photography too and am finding my Belize photos are being licensed quite regularly now too.

So this is to say my blog is live again and talk to you next time!


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