Everybody wears a mask.

...things to do while practising isolation.
The Covid-19 driven State of Emergency continues here in Belize. It has now been mandated that any essential movement outside of our properties can only be done while wearing a face mask.

First I took a clear shot of the wall furniture I would use for the main background. My initial work was to place additional wooden panels onto the fascia of the unit to create a large enough area to hang all the 'masks'.

This was done digitally by sampling wooden areas from other parts of the unit.

The camera has been focussed and locked in place on a tripod and light readings, focus, and exposure have been locked in place with 2 speedlites included in the set up. There is one speedlight 40º right of camera and one speedlite 45º left of camera.

The next shot I needed was a selfie which I exposed with a remote shutter release. After taking a hand-full of shots I chose one that would work for the final image I had in mind.

Once the two images had been merged together and retouched, it was time to add the choice of 'masks' to the image.

Using the remote release, I sat in front of the camera and made differing faces, of which seven images were chosen to use for the final image.

Each 'mask' was made by cutting out the face and eyes from each headshot. Hooks were added to the wooden panels in the main image and each 'mask' was placed in position with a pair of hooks retouched into position.

There is some retouching and illustration work done to my face in the main picture and another face has been retouched being held in my hand. Shadows and final retouching were done and the image completed.

Main Image
  • Location: Sittee Point, Belize.
  • Camera: Nikon DSLR, crop frame.
  • F number: f/7.1
  • Focal length 20mm APS lens
  • Exposure: 1/125
  • ISO: 100
  • Manual
  • Flash fired - 2 speedlites.


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