There must be a way out of all of this

2020 just keeps on doling out more twists to each story. A lot of people now wonder if there is anyway out of the wormhole we all seem to be existing in.

This is a straight forward shot of the vehicle on one of the local dirt roads with marshland on the right side of the scene.

I stood on a ladder and took a selfie using the self timer function and cut out the image. Next I illustrated the ladder digitally and placed it into the main image. Once I was happy with the ladder position, I positioned the selfie cut-out onto the ladder and sized it down to a scale that I felt worked for the composition.

Once I was happy, I also added shadows and highlights to the ladder to help with the illusion. I did further work blending the ladder where it appears to enter the clouds. With all of this in place, I went ahead and digitally created the 'This Way Out' sign and blended it into the composition.

Finally I did some overall toning to the image.

Main Image
  • Location: Sittee, Belize.
  • Camera: Nikon DSLR, crop frame.
  • F number: f/7.1
  • Focal length 17mm APS lens
  • Exposure: 1/500
  • ISO: 100
  • Manual
  • Flash: No flash used


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