Some of us got into gear for Easter

So we're already over a quarter of the way into 2022and Easter has come and gone. I had some fun doing another photoshoot with Emma at Alternative Adventures in Hopkins, Belize. It worked out this year that Emma had a couple of celebrity motorcycle world travellers staying at her hostel (Crashpad in Hopkins Belize) she pitched the idea of collaborating with them for her Easter shoot. You can check out these 2 adventure riders by visiting their Instagrams: @advtorally and @biologist_on_a_bike. You can also catch up with Emma's 2-wheeled exploits by following her Instagram  @dualsport_emma. It is worth the visit. You'll also see how she used my pictures of the 3 of them turning in Oscar performances...

And the pictures are here too, but you'll see that I have used them slightly differently to @dualsport_emma

I chose to shoot just as the sun was going down to get the dramatic sky and backlight. I got the hard foreground light by using an off-camera, single unmodified speedlite at medium power. All the shots were composed in camera and output as a single image.


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