Happy Spanksgiving — Ridden To Submission

The 2024 Thanksgiving shoot for Motorbike Rentals and Alternative Adventures, Belize, Had a slightly different twist to it. Emma, the business owner, decided to explore 'Spanksgiving' which really is a thing.

Despite it's various guises, if you visit Emma's Instagram, the words in her post with this image gives the composition relevance. 
We did the shoot at her bike shop in Hopkins, Belize, and just the two of us brought this image, and other variants, to completion. Emma did her own wardrobe, hair and makeup and modelled. She also printed the bag in the foreground to say Happy Spanksgiving. I took care of the lighting, art direction and photography. We hung a red light close to the ceiling positioned around 1 o'clock, angled toward the scene. To prevent the whole scene going completely red from the lighting, I added a daylight fill light aimed front and left of the scene.  Once I had the lights balanced we were able to shoot a bunch of variations and poses to choose and edit later.

And the final image is the one here on this page


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