Leroy is on his way again

In a very recent post I introduced you to Leroy. Well over the weekend Leroy gave me a call and let me know that he had landed a job and was due to start today (Monday).

This was such great news to hear for so many reasons but also it was the manifestation of Leroy's optimism and proactive determination to regain control of his life in this time of worldwide economic difficulty. And also proof that, as I had surmized, he is a man of action and is able to turn his words into something tangible.

So this morning I was privileged to meet with Leroy and take this portrait in downtown San Francisco, as he made his commute for his first day back at work. It was taken at the same spot where I first met him and heard his story.

He's promised to stay in touch and let me know how things go but as I said before, I can only see success and fulfillment for this amazing man!

The rest of the day for me was driving to Emeryville to photograph an art installation at an artists residence. The weather was sunny and golden today and all in all a very uplifting day for me.


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