Blowing In The Wind

...things to do while practising isolation.
First I took a selfie outdoors. The sunlight was quite strong and harsh so since I had chosen to use just one light, I aimed it at the shadow area under the tree to the right. I did this to lighten up the shadow a little so that I wouldn't end up with a large solid black area that might detract from the focus of the composition. I didn't want the area too light either otherwise the leaves wouldn't show up against it.
The cross size bears no relation to the subject :)
You can see from the original selfie, I had also raked up most of the leaves from the grass so that I could use them to complete the final image.

I had collected all the leaves I raked up into a garden basket. It was fairly windy and the direction of the wind would dictate the direction the leaves would be travelling in the final image.

Using the self timer on the camera, I gathered up an armful of leaves and then tossed them across the area where I wanted to get shots of the leaves being blown in the wind.
I did this three or four times to make sure I had a good spread of leaves for the final look. Then it was just a straightforward job of cutting and comping until I got the end result for this piece.

Main Image:
  • Location: Sittee Point, Belize.
  • Camera: Nikon DSLR, crop frame.
  • F number: f/5
  • Focal length 50mm APS lens
  • Exposure: 1/800
  • ISO: 100
  • Manual
  • Flash fired (1 light set-up)


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