Air BnB Campaign Shoot in Iceland

I'd never visited Iceland previous to this shoot but it was on my list of places I wanted to visit. And now that I've been there, it's definitely high up on my list of places I'd like to visit on my own itinerary. It really does have a magical undertone to it all and the mix of fire and ice is readily apparent as you travel around.
Photo by Marisa Quiter

A 4:30 am start got us to the location and on set ready for the first shots of the day.

While the film and production teams were carrying out some final touches for their shots, I spent a little time outside capturing some general shots of the views surrounding the location. It was still before sunrise so I was glad that I was wearing lots of layers including thermals, a fleece, down jacket, Goretex over jacket, scarf, gloves and my Jamaican Bobsleigh Team beanie hat!

Eventually the sunlight began to filter through the cloudy sky and we are able to execute our shot lists and anything else that we saw that we might use.

As the day progressed, we worked through the scenes which also included a scene with a horse. The guy grooming the horse deserves a special mention here. Even though he looked great in his takes, he is actually not super comfortable around horses. Even so, he never hesitated once during the whole time he did multiple takes for the film crew and then repeated for me so I could get my stills. He was relieved though when we wrapped.

While frames and footage were being captured, some of the production crew had been busily putting together an igloo for the scene with the Husky. She was a beautiful creature and I really enjoyed working with her and seeing how her handler set her up for each of the shots we needed. Not only did production do an amazing job with the igloo. they also icy blasts of snow on cue too as you can see in Alma's film here.

Did I mention it started off very cold that day? Well, the Clients, Agency, and Production were traveling with us and also had plenty of work to do themselves. Even though they were working indoors some of the time, for most of the morning they could been seen dressed for a blizzard while getting things done.

There was also a lovely DeSoto car at the location that we were able to include in the Iceland shoot. At the end of the day we piled into our vans to head back to Reykjavik opting not to "borrow" the DeSoto for the ride. Back in the city, we showered ate and for myself, a few hours into the early morning were spent editing down my shoot so that I could supply some images to the Agency back in San Francisco.

We were due to fly out of Iceland the following afternoon but the local production team said they could fit in some quick sight seeing before taking us to the airport - provided we were happy to do another early start.

So in the morning we set off for a quick stop to visit the Gullfoss waterfalls and some hot geysers and then a couple of hours of blissful relaxation in the Blue Lagoon - Utterly, absolutely, definitely worth the early rising!

Air BnB Campaign Shoot in London, UK

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